Experts predicting Earth having 10 years to rein in emissions if countries want to avoid the worst damage from Climate Change in the future
Climate Change is the largest, most challenging crisis the world has faced, bringing increasing risk and uncertainty for society and for the future of our planet. As a systemic risk like no other, there is an increasing urgency for Governments, industries and communities to respond to the challenge, as well as the scale of opportunity it presents. Decarbonisation of the freight transportation sector is critical to achieving a successful transition to a low carbon economy, our transport choices have a major impact on our carbon footprint.

Decarbonisation of the Freight Transportation Sector
Traffic reduction in addition to the roll out of zero emissions vehicles
Rail CargoLiner offers a solution to the reduction of HGVs on our roads and could facilitate the roll out of zero emissions road vehicles. The greener logistical model would see the Rail CargoLiner completing the ‘trunk mileage’ by high-speed rail. The first and last miles can then be completed by range restricted eco/electric vehicles that are more suited for local and regional operations. This creates a carbon neutral model for logistics helping to drive a greener economy.

A credible national programme for delivering behaviour change
The conversion of passenger trains for the express movement of parcels has enabled a step towards logistics by rail. However, the reuse of 40-year-old rolling stock continues to be inflexible with restricted capacity and limited operational capabilities. Rail CargoLiner has been designed to encourage a change in approach towards the transportation of goods by rail. The purpose-built express freight carriage with integrated cargo loading system creates an accessible, terminal-free rail freight solution that’s able to fully integrate within existing logistical models. With the right support and investment from Governments and Industry Leaders, Rail CargoLiner offers a credible answer to the behavioural change that is required for the greener movement of goods today.

Act quickly and decisively
There are many great concepts and ideas for the future movement of goods, from Hyper-Loops to Drones. All of these point to a brighter future but require substantial investment and infrastructure. The United Kingdom’s High-Speed 2 railway project for example, is estimated to be completed in 20 years at a cost of £98bn. Unfortunately, Climate Change is happening now, with experts predicting Earth having 10 years to rein in emissions if countries want to avoid the worst damage from climate change in the future. Rail CargoLiner utilises and works with existing infrastructure making it immediately available and cost effective. The Rail CargoLiner is a pioneer for the net-zero movement of goods today, for a better tomorrow.

Technical solutions will be insufficient, we also need behaviour change
Rail freight is generally considered to be inflexible, inaccessible and slow. The operational capabilities of the Rail CargoLiner provides an answer to this problem and furthermore encourages the behavioural change that is required for the future movement of goods by rail. The Rail CargoLiner concept can be utilised within any existing and future logistical model. The high speed capability will increase freight pathways across the rail network and the integrated cargo loading system provides the accessibility needed to integrate with road going vehicles at any given location. Governments can further encourage behavioural change by offering reduced track access charges for goods transported by the Rail CargoLiner, creating a greener and more cost competitive solution. Modal shift from road to rail should be an easy choice for Industry Leaders and Organisations, after all the greenest way to move goods today is by rail.

Railway Opportunity
Because of the Pandemic and the advancement in technology, home working has changed traditional commuter and shopping trips, probably forever. In addition, 2019 retail ecommerce sales worldwide amounted to $3.53 trillion, and is projected to almost double to $6.54 trillion in 2022, with 95% of all purchases to be made online by 2040. This presents a further rise in already proliferating delivery vehicles on the roads, we must act quickly and decisively. The railway is an existing infrastructure that crosses countries worldwide and is currently the greenest way to move goods when in comparison to any alternate method of transportation. By innovating the use of existing assets, instead of major time-consuming infrastructure projects, provides a catalyst for the ‘net-zero’ logistics of tomorrow – today! The innovative design of Rail CargoLiner provides the opportunity for the railways to diversify and present a credible behavioural change when thinking of goods moved by rail.

Rail CargoLiner Green Credentials
- Rail CargoLiner presents an effective green solution, able to run on existing infrastructure and attract modal shift from road to rail.
- Rail CargoLiner will transform logistical supply chains into greener and more sustainable models.
- Rail CargoLiner will enable range restricted greener road vehicles to co-operate with railway operations, creating a net-zero distribution network.
- Rail CargoLiner will be able to reach into urban areas without the need for supporting infrastructure like rail terminals. Rail CargoLiner will provide a solution to reducing traffic and congestion within these areas and help achieve cleaner air policies.
- Rail CargoLiner will help to remove HGVs from the roads and ease congestion at ports and terminals by providing increased capacity within a single shipment.